Before i left for my Taiwan trip, I was invited to IFLY Singapore to experience being able to FLY with standard Chartered, where they were introducing their latest, BONUSSAVER Savings account.. Which is pretty unbelieveable and awesome.
What so special about a savings account that makes it so hard to believe? Read on!

Yay! We're here at IFLY Singapore at Sentosa, so exciting! Wanted to try skydiving when i was in Aussie but couldn't, can't jump off a helicopter thousands on metres up on the sky but i can FLY at iFLY in Singapore too muahahaha. Brought leon to join me as a plus one heh

Open your eyes dude! We're gonna FLY! *grow wings*

Standard Chartered's representatives gave us a short rundown on what is BonusSaver all about.
Basically in Singapore, we're all used to sucky bank interest rates of 0.1%, or at the very most 0.2%, so honestly.. we don't bother about interest rates and we don't think about how we are suppose to earn a little interest every year from the bank since we trust them with our money and bank with them.

◤ Standard Chartered has launched something so unbelievable called...
It's a Savings account, which rewards their users with 1.88 pa. instead of the rock bottom interest rates that every bank is offering their users. There's no minumum deposit amount, no lock-up period like fixed accounts.
Unbelieveable or not you tell me, i thought to myself, Sure or not?! 1.88 p.a interest on our savings account, it really sounds way too good to be true.
So what do you have to do to be rewarded with 1.88 pa. interest rates?

Honestly, I'm sold. I mean $500 is easy to hit man. I definitely spend $500 in a month, my car petrol is probably about $300-$400 a month already. :/
hahaha i'll probably head to open a BonusSavers account with them the coming week when i'm heading to my nearest Standard Chartered to pay my credit card bills.

So after the presentation, we were directed to the lobby area to register and sign our indemnity form and off we go for a short training by our instructor!
We were given tips and tried out the positions that we were suppose to be in to maintain balance when we are in the wind tunnel.
After the training we were all set and we got our suits and got ready to FLY!
Excited yo we're gonna FLY!
ME FLY! I FLY! YOU FLY! Lol i'm nuts

A photo with the Standard Chartered family before we FLY OFF!

This is Leon! hahahah he's damn cool can, perfectly balanced and never anyhow fly!
Hahahaha on my first try i kept thinking that i was bending my knees but apparently i'm not, hahaha so the entire time i couldn't figure out what is wrong and i kept spinning in the wind tunnel. hahahaha i'm surprised the photographer manage to snap a still shot of me flying properly LOL!
So cool! The instructor is not even holding him to help him stay balanced!

Lol look at my chubby cheeks being "blown up" when i'm in the wind tunnel! Hilarious. Omg look at how sharp my chin would be if my cheeks were not so chubs.

Yay we're all flyers now!
Go to http://www.standardchartered.com.sg/ to find out more about Bonus $avers!
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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